21022021 ~ 26112021,九个月零5天!
至敬至爱的大姐 ,您离开已9个多月 ,即便再如何不舍 ,还是顺依您心意。在今天这个风和日丽阳光普照的日子, 大哥, 大嫂,二姐, 谊姐Pastor Betty, 谊姐夫Pastor Michael, 还有您疼惜的宝贝侄儿侄女, 侄女婿外甥们, 我们集体一起为您做最后的送行。
寄愿不再因脚疾的不便受限捆绑的您, 自此随海伴风任意飘无尽处。 大姐,我们以后天家见,AMEN!
A poem to our dear beloved :
" You had lived well. To our pride, you have faught a good fight. You had accomplished your task. May the sea whispers your graciousness. May the wind carries you to ultimate freedom. Till we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand."
Bye bye.